Prime Property SUPREMOS  

Shri Padamshi L. Soni,

Chairman has profound knowledge and experience in the line of construction. Under his leadership the company has now positioned itself as a unique company catering to the high-end of the property market.  Shri Soni looks after the overall strategic direction of the Company while the day- to –day activity is carried out by his sons Shri Manish P. Soni and Shri Vishal P. Soni along with a team of experts in real estate field.

Mr. Kumar G. Vora,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Mr. Amit Bhansali,
Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Mrs. Neelam Maheshwari,
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer.
Broad – basing the Board,

The Company’s Board of Directors comprises distinguished personalities form diverse fields of activities, as Independent Directors.

Shri Alok Chowdhary,
Ex- SBI Employee.
Shri Satendra Kumar Bhatnagar,
Retired Chief Commissioner of Income Tax
Mrs. Mina Kapadi.
Ex- Secretary of BOI Shareholding Limited.
A Subsidiary of Bank of India.
TheBoard now has the following members:
Shri Padamshi L. Soni. Chairman.
Shri Alok Chowdhary. Independent Director.
Shri Satendra Kumar Bhatnagar. Independent Director.
Mrs. Mina Kapadi. Independent Director.
Shri Manish P. Soni. Whole time Director.
Shri Vishal P. Soni. Whole time Director.
Sitting fees / Conveyance,
Names of Non executive Sitting fees for board Conveyance Rs.
/Independent Directors /Committee Meeting Rs.  
Shri. Alok Chowwdhary. 25,000/- 5000/-
Mr. Satendra Kumar Bhatnagar. 25,000/- 5000/-
Mrs. Mina Kapadi. 25,000/- 5000/-

Human Resources

Prime Property has in its employment persons with financial, banking, Chartered Accountants, Company secretaries & commerce background etc, who have the requisite expertise in their respective fields.  The Company has also built up an efficient team of Solicitors, Structural Engineers, Architects, Contractors, etc. 

Chairman Speak

For major part of 2013-2014, we had to endure high inflation, low industrial activity, lack of good governance & soaring unemployment.
During the latter part of the year; however, the new RBI Governor declared fresh monetary policies. Declining trend of the Indian rupee & high inflation...  Continue reading...

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Contact Us

501, Soni House, Plot No. 34, Gulmohar Road No. 1,J. V. P. D. Scheme, Vile Parle (W),
Mumbai 400 049.
Telephone No. 022 - 26242144.
Fax No. 022 - 26235076
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