Prime Property SUPREMOS
Shri Padamshi L. Soni, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Chairman has profound knowledge and experience in the line of construction. Under his leadership the company has now positioned itself as a unique company catering to the high-end of the property market. Shri Soni looks after the overall strategic direction of the Company while the day- to –day activity is carried out by his sons Shri Manish P. Soni and Shri Vishal P. Soni along with a team of experts in real estate field. |
Mr. Kumar G. Vora, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Chief Executive Officer (CEO). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mr. Amit Bhansali, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Chief Financial Officer (CFO). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mrs. Neelam Maheshwari, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Broad – basing the Board, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The Company’s Board of Directors comprises distinguished personalities form diverse fields of activities, as Independent Directors. |
Shri Alok Chowdhary, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ex- SBI Employee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Satendra Kumar Bhatnagar, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Retired Chief Commissioner of Income Tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mrs. Mina Kapadi. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ex- Secretary of BOI Shareholding Limited. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
A Subsidiary of Bank of India. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
TheBoard now has the following members: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Padamshi L. Soni. | Chairman. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Alok Chowdhary. | Independent Director. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Satendra Kumar Bhatnagar. | Independent Director. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Mrs. Mina Kapadi. | Independent Director. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Manish P. Soni. | Whole time Director. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Shri Vishal P. Soni. | Whole time Director. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Human Resources |
Prime Property has in its employment persons with financial, banking, Chartered Accountants, Company secretaries & commerce background etc, who have the requisite expertise in their respective fields. The Company has also built up an efficient team of Solicitors, Structural Engineers, Architects, Contractors, etc. | ||||||||||||||||||||||

Chairman Speak
For major part of 2013-2014, we had to endure high
inflation, low industrial activity, lack of good governance & soaring
During the latter part of the year; however, the new RBI Governor
declared fresh monetary policies. Declining trend of the Indian rupee &
high inflation...
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Contact Us
501, Soni House, Plot No. 34, Gulmohar Road No.
1,J. V. P. D. Scheme, Vile Parle (W),
Mumbai 400 049.
Telephone No. 022 - 26242144.
Fax No. 022 - 26235076
Email - info@ppdcl.com